Career as a dental assistant could be very rewarding, as a dental assistant salary is lucrative. If you are looking at a career for enjoying high perks, then dental assistant may turn out to be a right choice. Besides, you can skip the necessity of doing a four years coursework to become an assistant, as all you require is few weeks of training. The training particularly involves practical-oriented curriculum, so that you miss nothing required to learn the necessary skills.
Duties of a Dental Assistant:
As an assistant, you require performing all necessary duties to assist your dentist. It involves various tasks to monitor as well as handle. Further , as part of your duties, you need to interact with patients and perform primary duties such as taking care of their dental hygiene, making records, handling phone calls, maintaining discipline in the clinic, looking after equipments and their sterilization and keeping consumables in running stock.
If you take into consideration the old salary records, you will easily reach a conclusion that the job of a dental hygienist is quite lucrative. Records reveal that dental assistant salary is $32 ,000 annually. The U.S. Bureau of Labors also supports this data. In addition, what makes the profession of a dental assistant equal to other high-end professions is the annual salary of $20,000. Jobs of higher order will make you earn a dental assistant salary, which goes above $43,000. An important aspect that would decide your salary is your experience. Hence, this career has a wide scope, where you can augment your skills along with earning a handsome salary.
Apart from experience and level of expertise , dental assistant salary also varies from one state to another depending on where you choose to work. Further, the job responsibilities too affect the salary you draw. For instance, if your job demands you to handle more rush, then your salary too rises with it. Moreover, the salary depends on the number of work hours also. In case you do overtime shifts, then you get more pay. Thus, there are number of factors that are responsible to decide the salary that you earn.
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