Every one of us has had back pain or knows someone who has suffered from back pain at some point in their lives. Sometimes it is just a minor ache and other times, it can be debilitating pain. For most cases, this can be rectified with some posture building exercises in less than 15 minutes per day. The most common client that I have found over the years is a person who sits at a desk too long. They are usually in front of a computer for 40 hours or more every week. Due to this, some key posture muscles undergo adaptive shortening, which is the tightening of muscles from being held in a shortened position for extended periods of time. With this, the antagonist (or opposing) muscle will become overstretched and weakened. This person's shoulders can roll forward and their hip flexors can get tight. This combination can eventually lead to back pain. Let's break this down one by one. 1) The problem: anterior girdle tilt from tight hip flexors , that causes the abdominals to become overstretched and therefore the lower back muscles too tighten. The solution: I actually have my purchasers perform supersets to avoid wasting time and increase intensity. They will do a hip flexor muscle stretch for thirty seconds on all sides. Then while not rest my consumer can perform a set 10 to twenty reps of slow and controlled crunches on a BOSU ball. Each repetition should take a complete of ten seconds (count one Mississippi, 2 Mississippi... ) or 5 seconds up and 5 seconds down. An alternative for those while not a BOSU ball would be twenty to fifty slow and controlled bicycle crunches. Do a total of three sets of these exercises. 2) The problem: tight pectoral or chest muscles, which causes the rear deltoids and rhomboids to become weakened. The shoulders roll forward this person's chest caves in. The solution: You guessed it... a superset! This time we'll perform a pectoral stretch against a wall for thirty seconds on all sides and instantly follow up with a collection of fifteen reverse flies with a theraband or cables. At the purpose of largest contraction (or once the theraband is creating contact with you chest), contract your rhomboids by squeezing your scapulae together. Three sets will be your goal again. Do these exercises daily till you get pain relief. Once pain has subsided, do these exercises frequently therefore your back pain doesn't come back.